Saturday, February 1, 2014

But...I Have to Be Happy Too...

OK, so we've all done it. We've all put what someone else wants before what you want. What if those people are your parents? I know that it is easier said than done when it comes to putting what you want before your own parents. One reader said she found herself becoming self conscious based on things her parents wanted. Here's my take on that one.

I think that everyone has been a position where they feel torn into so many different directions because you want to follow your heart but at the same time you feel obligated to please your parents. Who wants to feel like they failed the people that tirelessly gave to them? I hate feeling like I disappointed my mom. Here's something in our defense though. What if I told you our parents don't really know us like they thing they do? I honestly think that parents take too much credit for knowing their children. Most parents don't really want to believe that they only know what we want them to know. I had to break this news to my mom on our way back from Georgia after Thanksgiving vacation. She didn't want to hear it but someone had to tell her. I mean there's a lot that I want that my mom would never know about because I never think she'd think I was being realistic. 

Here's a tip. Think about yourself when you turn 40 years old. Will you happy about making decisions based on what your parents wanted you to do? I mean the only people that would say yes to this are people who aren't capable to make their own sound decisions anyway. I feel like any person that everyone should like the independence of making their own decisions. 

I think the best thing to do when you start to feel like you’re getting pulled in so many different directions is grow some balls and ask yourself what it is that YOU want. YOU’RE AN ADULT! You’re young and you should be selfish at this point in life. I always tell my mom that I can still have respect for you and still do what I want to do. I mean I’m you’re not out here harming yourself are you? I DIDN’T THINK SO J
I think that there’s always going to be people trying to make you do what they want you to do. The last thing you want to do is be your own worst enemy when you’re just fighting to be happy in life. We’re all learning this (I haven’t mastered it either). You don’t want to resent your parents later on down the line because you let them live vicariously through you. Your parents have lived their lives already…now it’s your turn.
OK well I’m done. If I didn’t cover this well enough, let me know!
Seeeee Yaaaa! 

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Staying interested in your non-profit & Good News!

 Ok, someone yesterday asked how to combat being bored with the non-profit you create. 

My first piece of advice is to create a non-profit that solves a problem that you have. I chose to start a non-profit about self image because that was something that I've had issues with. Mine isn't about just not FEELING PRETTY, it's about making sure you know what your worth is. So, definitely try to start a non-profit for something that you've always had an issue with that you feel that you can resolve. 

Think about something that has made you hit rock bottom and how you got out of that position. If that situation is something that you feel that you can reach out and help other people with, that may be a good avenue to go down in terms of non-profit ideas. Well reader, I hope that helps you out! If you wanna know anything else just feel free to ask more questions.

Well here's the good news I mentioned in the title...ready? OK! 

Today, after I got off of work I got an email. I got an email from the government for a job I applied for with Customs and Border Protection (different from Border Patrol). Now let me give you guys a little more background information. I applied for this job before in June 2012 and I got a tentative offer letter but failed the PT test because of this step thing and I don't have any rhythm haha. Well I've been working out more since I applied to be a naval officer, so I think I'll be able to pass the PT test this time. If I get this job, this won't stop me from starting my organization because I want to leave a legacy behind. So hopefully, I'll be living in a very warm place sooner or later. 

My biggest goal has been really going somewhere warmer...A LOT WARMER! I wouldn't mind living in a place where the temperature is 90 degrees all year round. It beats the heck out of this negative whatever that Chicagoland has been getting! I feel like it’s the dang snowpocalypse out here. How are you guys staying warm? I’ve been staying IN THE HOUSE!

Ok guys, I’m rambling again so just leave me comments below and also leave me a topic you want me to write about!  

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Intro and End of Day Thoughts

Hello readers! This is my first blog post and I just wanted to jump right into me and why you're going to be reading this.

Intro: My name is Niesha Thomas and I am a young 22 year old trying to forge my way through this crazy world. I graduated from college in May of 2013 and have been having a difficult time with the job market just like anyone else with a degree. Nothing special. 

End of Day Thoughts: Well I've been trying to get my business plan together to start my non-profit organization geared towards building a positive self-image. Today was honestly not a very eventful day so this post will just be some thoughts haha. 

Here are some words of wisdom to you Liberal Arts degree holders like myself: If the job you really want isn't out there, you have to create the job yourself. I've been trying to get into non-profit work and I haven't been getting any calls back so in order for me to solve this problem, I decided to create my own organization. It's going to be hard but it'll be worth it because I'm achieving my goals instead of working like a dog to help someone else accomplish theirs. Don’t let anyone tell you that getting a liberal arts degree is useless, because it isn’t. You just have to know what you want to do with it.

One of the main reasons I decided to form my own organization is because there was a problem that I wanted to address with the ongoing issue of negative self image that seems not to get addressed. I also did this, because like I said before, no non-profits were trying to give me a chance so I made my own chance. Well I don’t want to ramble, so I’ll check in with you all later!

If there’s anything that you all want me to write about, JUST LET ME KNOW!

Night All,

Niesha J