Sunday, November 1, 2015

Stressed for Success

Hey everyone! I hope you had an awesome and safe Halloween.

So I’ve been think about quite a few things lately. As I sit and reflect on this lovely Sunday evening, I’ve realized that I stress a lot about the future. I just need to vent and hopefully I can relate to someone else.

This whole week, I’ve been applying for a second job and I’ve decided that my life would be really easier if I can land a higher paying job. I mean I wouldn’t mind working a second job for the time being but I know that it may take a toll on my relationship. A lot of people from older generations think that since I’m not married my relationship shouldn’t be a priority…but how are we going to get to the point of marriage if the relationship isn’t a priority? Well, that’s neither here nor there.
I have just been thinking all week what my plan is going to be to aggressively pay down the debt and really get to live. I’ve also been thinking that eventually I would like to leave the corporate world and work for myself and not be a slave to a time card. I can’t even tell you why I can’t stand working at a regular 9-5 job…let’s just say to a creative soul that it’s prison.

I think part of the reason I worry so much too is because of time. I’m 24 years old and I feel so much older than that. I think about my future a lot because I want a comfortable life for myself. I have a tendency to not think about certain situations as temporary. I feel like I’m going to be at the job that I currently work at forever. I know that sounds so crazy and logically I know I’m not stuck anywhere, but emotionally I feel like it’s my fate. A job can be draining when it isn’t your passion. Sundays are usually my most stressful day because I know Monday means back to reality.

I’m just trying to take one day at a time. I have to or I’ll feel like I’m not where I should be at this stage in life. I mean I have to remember than 24 is still very young and that despite how I feel, I have time. It’s just hard to not feel like a failure when you’re constantly busting your butt to make it in 2015.

Until next time. Peace. 

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